Our First Processing of ESI Show With Industry Processing Pioneers

Binary code

Listen to Karl Schieneman, Director of Analytics and Review with JurInnov talk about the role processing plays in the analysis of ESI for E-Discovery. This is a really unsexy topic which few people want to think about except for the people whose hands it falls on to complete this important task. To those who are more involved, it is a trap for the unwary which is often decided based on price without thought to the implications that bad processing can have for your case. Today’s show has us bringing together Bill Johnson, CEO of TCDI and a pioneer in the field of processing ESI, Tim Opsitnick from JurInnov is also a pioneer in electronic discovery as one of the original Sedona Conference members and is also someone who is intimately familiar with processing, and Salvatore Mancuso, head of litigation support at New York based law firm Willkie Farr & Gallagher who has done a good deal of comparing and studying outside processing options. This is an important topic with great guests as we look at where processing is today, and where it is going in the future.

Recorded 09/21/2010