Special Master Program for the United States District Court – W.D. of Pennsylvania


Listen to Karl Schieneman, Director of Analytics and Review with JurInnov, talk with the Honorable Joy Flowers Conti, the Honorable Nora Barry Fischer and attorney David Cohen from K & L Gates about an innovative Special Master program being launched in the United States District Court, Western District of Pennsylvania.  The program assists judges and parties with e-discovery issues.

Special Masters are often brought in by the court to add technical expertise to assist judges who may not have the same technical background or the time to deal with electronic discovery disputes. If done correctly, they can offer enhanced efficiency and expertise to what can often be messy and confusing discovery issues. This should be a very interesting show as we talk about the goals of this innovative Special Master program and let listeners know how they can find out more about the program if they’d like to start a similar program in their local jurisdiction.

Recorded 12/15/2010