The Upcoming Carmel Valley E-Discovery Retreat (CVEDR) 2012


Listen to Karl Schieneman, Founder and President of Review Less and predictive coding expert, interview Chris La Cour, the creator of the Carmel Valley E-Discovery Retreat conference to be held on July 22nd – 25th, 2012 in Monterey, California. In this podcast, we will discuss what makes the Carmel Valley e-Discovery conference unique, some of last year’s content, and what Chris expects could be highlights for 2012’s conference.

As added flavor, I will discuss the predictive coding programs I created to present at the Carmel Valley E-Discovery Retreat which include moderating a Judicial Roundtable discussing nothing but predictive coding issues comprised of a cross section of leading judges who have been studying predictive coding and are well versed on issues that can occur with these tools.

The panel includes:

  • Judge Nora Barry Fischer, W.D. of Pennsylvania (one of the primary judges involved in the E-Discovery Special Master Program in the W.D. of Pennsylvania and part of the training session for the entire W.D. of Pennsylvania on predictive coding)
  • Magistrate Judge Andrew Peck, SD of New York (overseeing Da Silva Moore case and its myriad of predictive coding issues, William A. Gross Constr. Assocs. v. Am. Mfrs. Mut. Ins. Co. and an assessment of the challenges of working with key words, and recipient of LTN Champion of Technology Award Winner 2012)
  • Magistrate Judge John Facciola, District of Columbia, (Disability Rights Council of Greater Wash. v. Wash. Metro. Area Transit Auth., 2007 WL 1585452 [D.D.C. June 1, 2007], United States v. O’Keefe, No. 06-249 [D.D.C. Feb. 18, 2008], Equity Analytics, LLC v. Lundin, 248 F.R.D. 331 [D.D.C. March 7, 2008], Peskoff v. Faber, 251 F.R.D. 59 [D.D.C. 2008] and is one of the most vocal national advocates of attorneys ethical obligation to learn how to conduct e-discovery)
  • Magistrate Judge David J. Waxse, Kansas District Court (Williams v. Sprint case and its holding on native production, and a well known advocated for more effective meet and confers via cooperation)
  • Magistrate Judge Frank Maas, S.D. of New York (an active advocate for using more predictive coding tools on national CLE programs).

I have also put together a panel of top lawyers and computer scientists who are actively working with these tools to discuss other issues involved with predictive coding.

This panel includes:

  • Tom Gricks (Schnader Harrison and Global Aerospace case in Virginia involving predictive coding)
  • Maura Grossman (Wachtell Lipton and Co-Director for TREC and a leading advocate and published authority for using predictive coding)
  • Bennet Borden (Williams Mullen and published authority for speeding up linear review by using machine assisted review tools)
  • Herb Roitblat (Chief Scientist at OrcaTec, a predictive coding software vendor and published authority on machine assisted review)
  • David Lewis (creator of a predictive coding tool and expert witness in the Kleen Products case advocating the use of technology assisted review on behalf of the plaintiffs).

These panels should provide a good deal of information about where predictive coding is heading, what the issues are, and different approaches using predictive coding.

Recorded 06/28/2012