The Importance of Metrics in Electronic Discovery
Learn about the importance of metrics in electronic discovery. We discuss the different forms of metrics, how to gather metrics, whether relying just on vendors to supply metrics makes sense, and get Alex to discuss some of her favorite metrics.
Read MoreE-Discovery and Effectively Working Through Privilege Issues
Listen to us discuss: where privilege is today and where it is heading in electronic discovery, the risks of sending business documents to lawyers to obtain the supposed protective seal of privileged, how to review for privilege effectively, how cooperation plays into effective privilege review, how to lose trust with the other side and reduce the effectiveness of cooperating on privilege documents, what privilege logs really get you at the end of the day, and how Rule 502 is supposed to work and how it is working today.
Read MoreCorrelation Between Client Risk Tolerance and E-Discovery Readiness
Listen to our guests discuss the role risk assessment plays in how clients approach electronic discovery. We talk about the different stages of an e-discovery project including records management, e-discovery readiness, litigation holds/collections, data culling and processing, early case assessment, types of review strategies, and review tools.
Read MoreSurveying Sanctions in E-Discovery Cases in 2010 and Judicial Reactions
In this podcast, we will be talking about trends in the area of e-discovery sanctions. Given the variety in backgrounds the different panelists possess, this should be a very interesting and lively discussion as we try to figure out what will happen next in the world of E-Discovery Sanctions and how best to avoid them given what we know today.
Read MoreTop 10 Electronic Decisions in 2010
Listen to Ron Hedges discuss his top 10 list of the most influential electronic discovery related cases from 2010 with a few key events thrown in as well. This is always an informative show for anyone trying to keep up with developing case law.
Read MoreEnvironmental Law and E-Discovery Should Not Be Hazardous Waste
Listen to Karl Schieneman, Director of Analytics and Review with JurInnov talk with attorney Margaret “Maggie” Boyle from Pittsburgh based Babst Calland Clements & Zomnir, PC on how environmental law and electronic discovery can intersect.
Read MoreRecords Management – An Insider’s Perspective and Its Impact on E-Discovery
On this show we will cover how effective records management can minimize the headaches associated with ESI in E-Discovery, provide tips on implementing a records management program, and discuss whether we are making progress with records management of ESI.
Read MoreDealing With Legacy Data – What To Do About ESI Messes Today
Learn about the problem of storing lots and lots of data. More than the problems presented, we will talk about case law, approaches for dealing with this problem and why you should start acting today.
Read MoreOur First Processing of ESI Show With Industry Processing Pioneers
Learn about the role processing plays in the analysis of ESI for E-Discovery. This is a really unsexy topic which few people want to think about except for the people whose hands it falls on to complete this important task. To those who are more involved, it is a trap for the unwary which is often decided based on price without thought to the implications that bad processing can have for your case.
Read MoreCost Shifting and Fee Splitting in Electronic Discovery
Today’s show talks about the mechanics of cost shifting but we also delve into how new technologies such as concept searching can be addressed in meet and confers to reduce costs. Given the different perspectives, a variety of opinions will be shared including how important the Proclamation Collaboration can be to reducing cost shifting arguments to real disputes.
Read MoreSocial Media Creates Business Opportunities, Messes and Work for Lawyers
Today’s show will be a combination of topics as we discuss why social media is such a useful tool for businesses (including law firms) by enabling organizations to connect with communities of users in very dynamic ways. We will also talk about some of the risks these tools can create rather quickly as users lose control of messages which can spiral out of control on the internet.
Read MoreThe Vendor Control Pendulum in Electronic Discovery
Control of vendor relationships in electronic discovery has shifted over the past few years with more companies taking an active role in managing preferred vendor relationships. We will discuss what the field was like before this shift occurred, what the outcome of this shift is, and if it is resulting in better projects and improvement in electronic discovery process.
Read MoreGovernment Investigations and Electronic Discovery
Listen to how the rules differ when the government is involved and what remains the same. Despite the economic downturn of the past year, regulatory electronic discovery has been a field largely unaffected. In some respects, it has been a growth field compared to the rest of the electronic discovery industry. Yet, the rules are different and working through electronic discovery issues with the government can be an art.
Read MoreEarly Case Assessment (ECA) Strategies – The Wrong Way and The Right Way
We will talk about common methods used today; what some of their limitations are; how like any database driven task, a bad collection or poor records management at the front end can impede good ECA; and how new technologies like concept searching are making ECA easier to accomplish.
Read More100th Judge Signs The Cooperation Proclamation
We have the pleasure of speaking with the Hon. Joyce Flowers Conti from the Western District of Pennsylvania who recently became the 100th judge to sign off on The Cooperation Proclamation. Joining her on this show will be Richard Braman, the Executive Director from The Sedona Conference who will update the audience on the progress of The Cooperation Proclamation to date and to celebrate this milestone.
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